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Jayson Xavier

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Allies With Sin This is Heavy People!

I'm confident that the majority of us at least, are not shocked at the fact that sin aims to destroy our integrity and closeness with God. The real surprise though, is that far more than a few of today's believers facilitate sin's deadly campaign. Sin doesn't have a mind of its own of course, but it does thrive like spores from mould and fungus. The effects however, are far more harmful to us.

As believers, our responsibility in dealing with sin, is not just to stop doing it, it’s also to prevent it from growing and spreading. The challenge we face today, is to bring ourselves to a place where our goal every day, is to cleanse sin from our lives, and lead by example.

Let me be straight forward here. It's selfish and ungodly to think that what one does, or how one behaves should not affect others. Whilst we know that God looks at our hearts, wearing short skirts, tight clothing, low cut tops, almost transparent clothes, vests that reveal ones muscles, and flirting, are all perfect catalysts for lust and plenty of other sins to multiply in. Now we can list a multitude of subtle things that aid sins growth; from the smallest lie to the biggest betrayal, but I pray that if needed, we will be convicted enough to seek the Lord's help in identifying these, and becoming allies with Jesus in His war against sin and the enemy.

Before leaving home, shouldn't the mirror first show us if we are modest and holy? Rather than if ones appearance is attractive or acceptable enough? It's easier said than done but let’s at the very least, ask the Lord to help us perfect our ways! Let’s do it not just for ourselves, but for God and for others. After all, if we, the salt of the earth fail to promote Godly standards, who will?

Comments and questions welcome! May His Spirit Guide you.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Want To See God? Be Holy

It's strikingly fascinating to read biblical accounts like the construction of the first temple, and the creation of the tabernacle. Picture hundreds and possibly thousands of people, working with excitement and anticipation, as the buildings became more real each day that passed. Imagine waking up suddenly with a newly found God given skill, which would soon contribute to the construction of this soon to be, spectacular symbol of power, and heavenly kingship... Well. As spectacular as they were, the principle beneath these achievements is far more noteworthy. They reveal to me how important it is to take God's instruction seriously and with honour. Because without the right attitude and response to His instruction, I really don't believe they could have achieved what they did.

Bringing this thought closer to home, made me wonder why we take commands like "be holy" so lightly. Taking such commands seriously is key and central to our existence as believers; therefore, the command to be holy needs to be embraced passionately. I wonder if we even know that holiness is a non-negotiable instruction, which comes with our salvation, and is something that serves such a life changing purpose, that it simply can't be ignored. I also realise, that striving for perfection can never stop for us, and giving into carnality and faithlessness, have to be replaced by seriousness, and obedience to God's word.

If I were to be honest, I would say that God's grace and mercy is often taken advantage of. We tend to be relaxed about sin and commitment to Him, and may not see that God's Grace and mercy are just means to allow us a chance to perfect our ways, and get serious about His word. As long as we continue striving for perfection, we are responding correctly to grace and mercy. On the other hand, when we don't resist sin and neglect holiness, we somewhat de-value The Lord's grace and mercy in our lives. By this, we set the wrong example for those coming after us.

Because Jesus loves us enough to change us, I say, let’s strive for holiness! Let’s take His Instruction seriously! And like the building of the first temple, we will become a spectacular vessel of power, and heavenly kingship!

Friday, 6 April 2012

All Eyes on Jesus! Now Keep Them There!

If we, as individual church groups could see ourselves, and all our actions as God sees them, would we change what we do? Of course, not everything we do may need changing, but even so, could those things that don't need changing be perfected? One could say that we are like a planet, constantly swinging in and out of orbit, easily pulled away by all sorts of bizarre ideas like, "toking" the Holy Ghost, and having get drunk on the Holy Spirit sessions. And though I myself may have an opinion concerning the above, I don't think it's necessary to state it. Generally speaking, there are so many other things that we tend to experiment with in search of spiritual truth and spiritual satisfaction; and some of these ideas have been in existence for such a long time, that they have unfortunately become the norm. 

The fruit we produce, is never of good soil as it were, unless we meet some basic requirements. Our fruit, meaning our expressions and works, are in direct relation to the depth of our holiness; and to give a realistic, and unmistakably perfect example to learn from, in order to achieve this holiness, I would recommend to fix ones eyes on Yeshua. This in no doubt also includes His teaching, and in doing so, one can persistently measure his or her ways, throwing aside those things which contaminate our holiness, whilst fastening ourselves to the things which purify us. 

Ideally, this is how we would live from day to day, always bringing ourselves back into orbit around our shining star Yeshua, and His word. If we were to do so, I for one am convinced that many of the controversial, and I must state, unbiblical practises and ideas, will inevitably cease to live in the midst of us. I say it once again, decide for yourself! but let's not invent things, for God is the creator. Let's keep our eyes on Him.

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Monday, 19 March 2012

One Church, My Prayer

I love the idea of oneness, that is, I love the idea of one church. Just Imagine, every believer in Yeshua united for the Gospel and for the will of God... After all, neither the bible nor Yeshua Himself is defined by any particular denomination. Just truth.

Doctrine, which I believe is the primary reason for our numerous denominations, and lack of unity, is only biblically sound when it presents the complete truth that the Bible teaches, and not what we ourselves understand or validate. The Bible actually has something to teach us, and let's never forget that It already has it's truth embedded within the writing.

We, instead of reading around or through it, should instead read from it. In other words, one should begin interpretation or study of scripture with the question: What is the bible telling me here? Not: what can I get from this, make of this, or worse still, let me just add this in to meet my deadline, because I am speaking at a conference next week. There are many reasons why we fail to see the real truth in biblical doctrine, but ultimately, failure starts with us.

I know that there are always disagreements in regards to the meanings of some biblical texts. But there are some things that are fundamental and explicitly shown as being wrong. Decide for yourself, but I know that whether it be in the first testament or the second, bowing before, praying to, or worshipping a statue or image of any kind is utterly forbidden.

Now I am not attacking any particular denomination, I am however highlighting one major fact. The  church needs to seek the truth, and be ready to adjust it's ways and teaching.

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