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Jayson Xavier

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Isaiah 56. A Commentary

Overview – Isaiah 56 is a calling, like that of John the baptiser, and Jesus’ preaching. It’s a universal wake-up call and invitation to the entire world, to become adopted children of Adonai, in preparation for His coming. In addition, Adonai sends out a powerful reassuring message, to those who believe that He only planned to save the Jews.

 Interestingly, Adonai brings everyone under the same roof as it were, by offering salvation to all. He addresses both Jew and Gentile in the same chapter, and in various forms, calls all to turn to Him. He (Adonai) lovingly personalises His invitation by making relevant promises to each person’s circumstance. By this, Adonai hints at His ultimate goal, being the establishment of a nation that lives as one people, under His authority.
Although the passage refers to what seems to be future promises for gentiles, the use of references to burnt offerings, sacrifices and covenant, (V6-V7) suggest that this is a combination of promises for both pre and post Jesus’s times. These promises seem to be dependent on the following: 1 One must observe justice, 2 keep Shabbat 3 don’t do evil 4 hold fast to His covenant 5 join ones self to Adonai 6 Serve Him 7 Love the name of Adonai, 8 Be his workers.
The passage can be split into three parts. 1 The salvation and blessing for Eunuchs that join Adonai 2 The salvation and blessing for other Gentiles who Join Adonai, to serve and love Him 3 Adonai’s message concerning the selfishness and irresponsibility of Israel’s shepherds.
Verse By Verse Study
V1 Observe justice means to practice justice or just acts.
Do what’s right - This can be to reiterate the previous command to observe justice. To observe justice is to do what’s right. Most likely this is to say: do righteous acts.
For my salvation is close to coming Jesus will come to bring salvation to the ends of the earth. Isaiah 49:6
My righteousness to being revealed – His righteousness will be seen in His salvific acts.
Note: The first two sentences are addressed to people, and the second two about Adonai. We are to be just in preparation for when His Justice will come, in the form of salvation. We are also warned to do what is right, just as His righteousness is about to be revealed. This is a classic biblical arrangement, where both parties are expected to fulfill their part of the bargain. They are depicted as bride and groom waiting to meet each other for marriage. One such depiction appears in Jewish tradition where the giving of the Torah in Exodus 20, is in fact Israel’s marriage contract as it were, with Adonai.
V2 Happy is the person who does this anyone who grasps it firmly.Happy is the person who does the above and takes it seriously, with passion and conviction
Who keeps Shabbat and does not profane iti.e. rest on the seventh day and worship the Lord on these days in accordance with His law. Don’t treat Shabbat or think of it as unimportant, nor degrade its significance. Do not break it.
And keeps himself from doing any evil – And lives without sin.
V3 A foreigner joining Adonai should not say, “Adonai will separate me from his people”The Lord did not only come for Israel. He will not separate anyone from His Kingdom who joins themselves to Him
Likewise the eunuch should not say, “I am only a dried-up tree.”I am not able to have children as a dried up tree can’t bear fruit. Therefore I am unworthy.
V4 As for the eunuchs who keep my Shabbats, who choose what pleases me -  The Shabbats are the Hebrew Sabbath days. What pleases the Lord is not only what is listed in the text, but also things that one learns as one gets to know Adonai.
And hold fast to my covenant – i.e. passionately commit to follow my instruction, which are the conditions upon which I will fulfill my promises
V5 In my house, within my walls - In the place where Adonai dwells, in the eternal house and kingdom of Adonai, and within the walls of His great city Zion. (1 Timothy 3:15Psalm 132:13)
I will give them power and a name greater than sons and daughters.A name that is of much higher status and recognition when compared to that of a son carrying the name of his Father throug generations. (It was a cultural aspiration to have descendants that carry the name of the father during biblical times. The importance of this can be identified in the detail within the biblical texts. See Genesis 5
I will give him an everlasting name that will not be cut everlasting name that will be remembered in The Lord's kingdom, even if one can’t have children to carry ones name throughout generations . (2 Timothy 2:19)
V6 And the foreigners who join themselves to Adonai to serve him, to love the name of Adonai, and to be his workers. - not to join one’s self to another, to be their servant or slave as commonly practiced in biblical times; but to Adonai, to be His servant, and to Love the name of Adonai, as The Name encompasses all that He is.
All who keep Shabbat and do not profane it.Keep Shabbat i.e. rest on the seventh day and worship the Lord according to His law on these days. Don’t treat Shabbat or think of it as unimportant, nor degrade its significance.
And hold fast to my covenanti.e. passionately commit to follow His instructions, which are the conditions upon which His promises will be fulfilled.
V7 I will bring them to my holy mountain – I.e Zion – originality The city of David, but later used interchangeably to also mean God's dwelling place and God's people. Joel 3:5 , Psalm 2:6, Isaiah 2:2 This promise suggests total inclusion and acceptance.
And make them joyful in my house of prayerThey will have joy and be joyful in the lord’s house, being the temple.  (Matthew 21:12-13) (Hebrews 3:6)
Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar – I.e. sacrifices and burnt offerings, not necessary temple sacrifices and offerings. (Genesis 8:20)
For my house will be called a house of prayer for all peoplesI.e. Adonai’s temple will be known as open to all people who love Adonai and serve Him. His house is not necessary a temple or tent of meeting. This can be equally understood as a congregation of believers.  (Hebrews 3:5, Acts 7:49-50)
Note: It is even said, that the use of verse 7 is enough for a gentile to gain entrance into any Synagogue. This is evidence that Adonai came for all, and accepts all who worship Him.
V8 Adonai Elohim says, he who gathers Israel’s exilesAdonai is He who gathers Israel’s exiles. (Ezra 6:19-22 , Jeremiah 24:5)
There are yet others I will gather besides those gathered already. – Adonai will adopt others as children, apart from the Israelites. (John 10:16)
V9 All you wild animals – Wild animals are nations against Israel.
Come and devour yes, all you animals in the forest! - come and get them like wild animals hunt for their prey.Jeremiah 12:7-9, Ezekie34:8)
V10 [Isra’el’s] watchmen are, all of them, blind; they don’t know anything.- Are all of Adonai’s watchmen blind? – can they not see the big picture? i.e. the results of their ways, the Acharit!
They are all dumb dogs, unable to barklike dogs that can’t bark to warn Israel of coming danger or judgement as a result of their sin or irresponsibility towards Adonai’s instruction.
lying there dreaming, loving to sleepliving in a dream world that is far from reality. Relaxing as prey that is unaware of the danger they are in.
V11  Greedy dogs, never satisfiedalways wanting more despite Adonai’s provision and promises.
Such are the shepherds, unable to understand.Unable to grasp the magnitude of their error or responsibility to shepherd Adonai’s people (Jeremiah 23:1)
They all turn to their own way, each one intent on his own gainthey all live how they want; Full of self-interests and personal goals. (Jeremiah 6:13)
V12 “Come, I’ll get some wine, we’ll fill up on good, strong liquor! Tomorrow will be like today; in fact, it will be even better!  -  A picture of their attitude towards life, or an actual quote. They were most likely enjoing this particular moment in life, and wished to experience it again, day after day. Note that alcohol seems to play a key role in their lives at this point. It was probably drunkenness that aided them in escaping reality and responsibility.

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